How to spot a good snack?
Posted by WIMWI Foods Private Limited on
A snack is a small portion of food generally eaten between meals, also which can substitute a meal depending on the quantity, quality and the taste of the consumer. Snacks come in a variety of forms including packaged snack foods, restaurant food, street, home made and more. There are many snacks to choose from, and certainly not all snacks are healthy or may help you on the long run. And snacking mindlessly doesn't help at all. Here we identify some inherit qualities of a good snack that will help you narrow down on your snacking options.

Why do we need to snack?
It is important to know why do we snack before putting attributes to the snack. Snacking provides the refreshment needed between meals, or it can be a meal in itself. A good snack between meals can reduce hunger pangs and keep you from overeating a meal. A snack keep your pumped up with energy and nutrition when you need it.

So is your snack awesome? Let’s see.
An ultimate snack should be delicious and nutritious at the same time - No compromise here. You should be able to have this anytime of the day, and anywhere. Travel or no travel, the snack should pack a punch for a few hours at least. It should be easily available, packable, storable and consumable with no heat or deep freeze. A good snack can overcome many of these circumstances. A decent shelf life so it does not get bad soon and ruins the consuming experience.
It should not be too heavy, on the purse or hands. It should not be too oily or deep fried. Should contain adequate sugar if it does, but definitely not too much. Too much of chocolate or sugar can almost make it more of a dessert than a snack, which is a put off for many.
Many a times a snack is often related to our moods. As your blood sugar levels go down, you start to feel drained. That is when you need a good snack or a meal. When you are happy, you could crave for a sweet snack to cherish the moment. Well, the fact is, a good snack should keep you in a good mood and not spike your mood. It should not take you into a hyper state, where you could become sluggish and unproductive. It should not be too spicy or hot or too sweet. An ideal snack should fit into the diet irrespective of your mood.
A snack should be easy to hold and consumable without any add-ons. And make great conversations as you satisfy yourself.
Does your snack qualify thru, many of these situations?
Check the ingredients of your snack the next time over, be smart when you chose a snack.